
100 - 499人 | 外商独资

已有 11万 人关注



Group Ormazabal was founded in 1967 in Spain. It is specialized in developing, manufacturing, and marketing primary and secondary distribution switchgear, transformers, transformer substations, as well as protection and automation equipment. Since its establishment, it has become one of the world leaders in electrical distribution switchgear. Over the past decades it has grown into an international organization with subsidiaries in numerous countries.

There are three sole foreign-funded enterprises under Group Ormazabal in China, Ormazabal Zhuhai Switchgear Ltd, Ormazabal NRG (Beijing) Switchgear Ltd and Ormazabal Kunshan Co., Ltd.

Ormazabal Zhuhai Switchgear Ltd, formerly known as FG China Electric Limited was established as the first German wholly owned enterprise in China in 1991. The Zhuhai based company specializes in manufacturing and marketing fully capsulated SF6 insulated medium voltage switchgears of superior quality, our businesses include electricity, wind power, rail transit, petroleum, petrifaction and other industries.

Ormazabal NRG (Beijing) Switchgear Ltd (Ormazabal NRG) is formerly known as Beijing NRG Electric Equipment Co., Ltd., which was a joint-venture of Beijing Power Supply Company and FG Energietechnik AG. Ormazabal NRG is now a WOFE of Ormazabal Group.

Ormazabal Kunshan Co., Ltd. was founded in June 2010, Committed to the production of SF6 gas tank.

Adopting Ormazabals advanced techniques used in Europe, Ormazabal NRG manufactures SF6-insulated medium-voltage switchgear, compact substations and cable distribution boxes for power supply networks, industrial plants, consumers installations, wind turbine generators, etc.

Thanks to precise European engineering and craftsmanship, the company has earned high recognition among Chinese utility companies and private developers. Products installed on Tiananmen Square, East Pear Tower, Beijing National Stadium (Birds Nest),Water Cube, Guangzhou University City, Datang Wind Farm Project, China Resources Wind Farm Project.

We are looking for highly motivated, energetic and capable talents to join our team and offering attractive salary and career opportunities.



欧玛嘉宝(珠海)开关设备有限公司前身是建立于1991年的,中国第一家全资德国企业:费尔腾-吉尧姆(中国)电气有限公司。专业从事于高质量、 全六氟化硫气体绝缘中压开关设备的生产及推广,业务遍及电力、风力发电、轨道交通、石油石化等各个行业。

欧玛嘉宝安瑞吉(北京)电气设备有限公司前身为北京安瑞吉电气设备有限公司,北京安瑞吉电气设备有限公司原为北京供电公司与费尔腾-吉尧姆(中国)电气有限公司在北京建立的合资企业,现为欧玛嘉宝集团在华全资子公司。欧玛嘉宝安瑞吉(北京)电气设备有限公司利用欧玛嘉宝公司在欧洲的先进技术组装生产六氟化硫绝缘GAE、GA系列10 kV环网开关柜,并开发生产适合中国电网需求的10/0.4 kV箱式变电站和10 kV户外电缆分接箱。欧玛嘉宝(昆山)开关设备有限公司于2010年6月成立,致力于六氟化硫气箱的生产。

凭借精确与完善的欧洲工艺与工程设计, 公司在中国电力用户中赢得了较高的声誉, 产品被使用在众多的重点工程项目中,如天安门广场、上海东方明珠电视塔、北京奥林匹克体育场(鸟巢)、国家游泳中心(水立方)、广州大学城、大唐风电、华润风电等。


公司主要福利如下:1. 每周五天工作日,每天工作八小时。2. 享受五项基本社会保险及人身意外险、附加医疗险。3. 为员工购买住房公积金。4. 按国家规定享受病假、婚假、产假(陪产假)、丧假及法定节日假等有薪假期。5. 除法定节假日外,员工根据在职年限每年享有10-15天的带薪年假。6. 根据员工个人绩效及公司业绩可享受13-14个月工资。7. 每年进行年度调薪,业绩优秀者,其薪金与职位调整不受时间限制。8. 完善的培训体系。为员工个人发展创造良好机会。



年底双薪 五险一金 带薪年假 交通补贴 高温补贴 免费班车 管理规范 周末双休 定期体检


  • 规模100 - 499人
  • 行业电力、电气设备类
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